The irony of modern Christian mentorship. Stuck in the Mire?

Have you ever felt like you’re sinking in mud? Feeling stuck in faith? Same sins keep tripping? Well, let’s talk. The way we received the gospel of Jesus was admirable bundled up with much sacrifice and love. Let’s think of the example of crucifixion and death of Jesus. Most believers in the aforementioned have no clue about what happened. Haven’t we believed in Jesus knowing He died, just died and hang on the cross with some nails and in addition beaten by the roman soldiers. What else have you comprehended?

Did you ever think of it that the suffering of Jesus was so intense that the stripping exposed Him to the world, the shame, agony and pain God left Jesus for a time for Jesus to feel what it means to pay the cost for sin. Him crying was not from usual pain no! it was more than this. left hungry and thirsty to a point of death? He was too thirsty to persevere. Having been beaten – ever seen clips of how people in slavery are handled by their oppressors (in hunger). Until the oppressor looks for someone to help Him carry the cross? Every follower of Christ was cast out from the society because they were rejected from the suffering accorded to the followers of Jesus. The ridicule of a king desperate on the cross. The piercing by Longinus- the soldier who pierced Him. Et cetera.

If we took time to really conceptualize the episodes of Christ life especially the suffering that made us free, poor to rich, Slaves to free, despised to glorified then the service we offer to God would mean something else. We would hardly abuse the grace.

That’s the least of intensity. We haven’t taken time to study for ourselves or had people who have taken keen interest to enlighten themselves for the sake of those who will come after them. We found people who fed from the well, somehow by the guidance of the Holy spirit and the intensity of the topic of redemption, they took salvation as a serious business. They worked on themselves overcame “small sins” but then what about you and I who have gotten born again recently, they assumed the way they overcome we already have too. So in churches we are full of godly men who keep on lying, lustful, in addiction of perversions, no need for prayers as long as you are strategic and financially stable. Elected in positions of leadership while being pathological liars, hungry for money and women- not just women but other men of Gods women.

Embrace discipleship class. Grow in the faith and in the knowledge of our Lord Jesus.